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Unconditionally Yours: Dedication

To read the Dedication

I have made changes to the Dedication page and I'm certain there will be additional changes before the finalized and syndicated published version.

A main change I made to by adding two additional people to the Dedication my beloved brother Robert and closest friend of 25yrs Stanley "Stan ".

 Originally I had dedicated it to the person that inspired me to write the book. He is someone from my past that barely remembers me. Though I warmly remember him and the impact he has had in my growth. A highly respected teacher and mentor. 

I recently heard him publicly state his disbelief in unconditional love. The book is a message directed to him, a way of saying don't give up on love just because many others don't understand it and don't know how to give  or receive it. Love remains true, though at times elusive. It is everywhere for those with eyes to see it. Don't let the experiences of this world cloud your vision. 

Out of Love and respect I needed to add  my brother and best friend.  Two men who have been my rocks through many tremendous storms in my present everyday experience. Without whom I wouldn't have had the strength to endure. They have been every day examples of Unconditional Love. 


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