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"Unconditionally Yours" : Preface

 Dear Reader,

Hopefully this book embodies the innumerous and bountiful essence of unconditional love,(Agape) a sentiment often questioned but undeniably real in its existence. In a world where skepticism abounds.

Recently, I encountered conflicting opinions regarding the validity of unconditional love. Strikingly, these words came from someone I deeply admire, someone who had been instrumental in imparting the invaluable lessons on how to love unconditionally to so many.

It was a heart wrenching moment, for this individual in part was, a source of my understanding of boundless love, expressed doubts about its existence. This person helped teach me to love without conditions, and to embrace with open arms and a compassionate heart. He also demonstrated time and time again the profound sacrifice  genuine unconditional love often bares.

 Oftentimes unconditional love is overlooked, unrequited, taken for granted, and misinterpreted. Leaving the givers exhausted, feeling undervalued, and sometimes heartbroken. Even love can die if it isn't nourished and treated with care.

This book is a heartfelt endeavor to manifest the unwavering belief in love without limitations.

    May this be my own gift of unconditional love to anyone and everyone who seeks it.

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